X-ray microdiffraction

X-ray diffraction (XRD) enables study of the atomic structure of any type of crystalline or semi-crystalline material: minerals, metals, polymeric materials or biological samples.

By coupling XRD to X-ray microbeams from synchrotron sources, X-ray diffraction becomes X-ray microdiffraction and paves the way for 2D mapping of molecular structures at the micron scale. The analysis can also be carried out while your sample is subjected to thermal or mechanical stress, or humidity.

Novitom is the only provider offering a comprehensive range of services based around synchrotron microdiffraction. These services include measurements, analysis and interpretation of images, and the development of machines using mechanical or thermal stress for 3D monitoring of the process in real time.


  • Mapping of polymer chains orientation
  • Follow-up of structural modifications under thermal or mechanical stress
  • Structural stability and ageing
  • Identification of cristallites
  • Structure of skin lipids
  • Crystallinity degree
  • Polymorphism
  • Structure of keratin in hair
  • Structure of mesophases